What We Screen For In Ontario
Prenatal screening can tell you the chance for having a baby with certain chromosome differences. The conditions formally screened for in Ontario are:
- Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome)
- Trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome)
A screening test called Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT) might also tell you the chance for having a baby with other chromosome differences, including trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome) and sex chromosome differences. NIPT is OHIP-funded or paid for out-of-pocket, depending on the situation.
What does having a chromosome difference mean?
Inside each of the cells in our body, there are string-like structures called chromosomes. Chromosomes are made of DNA, and this DNA has the instructions that make you unique.
People with a chromosome difference have extra or missing chromosome material. This means that they can have problems with their health and ability to learn. A chromosome difference can have severe effects for the baby and can even result in the loss of the pregnancy.
Nominate a Condition
Have your voice heard! Did you know you can nominate a condition for addition to the prenatal screening program in Ontario?